Patrick Merner was born with a natural talent for using his hands and working wood, and has been doing so since he was ten years old. He is wired differently than most people – with an amazing capacity for spatial visualization that results in products with a distinctly functional elegance.
In Catholic schools as a child he was sometimes swatted with rulers for his left-handed writing (although he claims to have appreciated the discipline), and as a dyslexic learner he had a challenging time with reading. However, his active intelligence and good-natured personality created opportunities for him outside of academia at an early age. Regarded as a gifted athlete and friend, he was offered full-ride scholarships to college for athletics, but amidst building cabinets and furniture for teachers and coaches, he felt he had found what made him happy.
Building cabinets and furniture, Pat felt he had found what made him happy.Having raised and supported a family of six, he has been a successful woodworker for more than thirty years now. Aside from his friendly disposition and the business cards that circulate his good reputation throughout the community, a small sign in the front of his house that reads “Merner Woodworking” serves as his only advertisement. Anyone who visits Pat's humble woodshop quickly finds him full of smiles, constantly sharing his delight over the smell of freshly cut wood. Should you not find his woodshop open, you can rest assured he is spending time with family, seeking out the big fish with flyrod in hand, or telling someone about the big fish.
Combining his unique life history in carpentry and fine cabinetwork with his intuitive understanding of what people want, Pat is able to build anything that is described to him. He is the brains and experience behind the many beautiful projects you can see on this website, and is the man called upon when other architects and builders are at a loss. To sum it up, he is fair-minded and does top-quality work. If this is what you expect from a woodworker, call Pat to have the job done right the first time.